Module Feedback Form
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Thank you for using IRIS resources! To help us improve our resources and continue to serve the needs of professionals like yourself, please complete this brief survey. Once you've completed the survey, click the "Submit" button so that your responses are recorded.
If you are completing this module for a required course assignment, you should submit your Assessment answers to your instructor using your instructor’s preferred method. Please do not enter your Assessment answers into the response fields. Your instructor has no access to this page.
1. Why did you complete this module? (Please choose the most important reason.)
It is a required assignment for a college or university course.
It is required professional development for my current position.
I selected this to fulfill professional development hours.
I need help on this topic to improve my skills or to help me address classroom challenges.
I am screening the module for its potential use as an assignment I would give to others.
It was recommended to me.
Other (please explain)
Please explain.
2. How would you rate this module on the following:
a. Quality
Very good
b. Relevance
Very good
c. Usefulness
Very good
d. Effectiveness (The module relayed the information in a way that was easy to understand.)
Very good
e. Efficiency (I gained what I needed from the module in a reasonable amount of time and effort.)
Very good
3. Approximately how much time did you spend on this module? From the menu below, select the answer that comes closest.
0 hours
.5 hours
1 hour
1.5 hours
2 hours
2.5 hours
3 hours
3.5 or more hours
4. After having completed this module, to what extent has your knowledge of evidence-based practices (EBPs) in education increased?
Not at all
N/A - The content in this module was not related to EBPs.
5. Please write any comments that you have about this IRIS Module.
Please include your email if you would like a response.
technical assistance prompt (invisible label)
If you are experiencing technical difficulties and would like our tech team to respond, please check this box. If you need
technical assistance, call 1-800-831-6134 between 8:00 and 4:00 CST.
Please describe the technical issue you are experiencing. If possible, tell us what kind of device you are using (e.g., Mac desktop, Windows 8 laptop, Android tablet, iPad) and include a link to the page(s) you are experiencing the technical issue with.
Your response to the following items will help us ensure that we are reaching a wide range of audiences.
6. Please describe yourself. (Choose one option that best describes you.)
College faculty
College student (undergraduate)
Graduate student
Professional development provider
Alternate certification program instructor
New teacher (been teaching 0-3 years)
Experienced teacher (been teaching more than 3 years)
Instructional assistant/paraeducator
School leader
Other (please describe)
Please describe.
Please identify your college or university.
Please identify the SEA, LEA, or organization with which you work.
Please identify the college or institution (or, SEA or LEA) with which you are affiliated.
7. In what area?
Early intervention/early childhood
General education
Special education
Other (please describe)
Please describe area.
8. What age or grade level are you training others to work with, training to work with yourself, or currently working with? (Check all that apply.)
Ages birth to three years
Ages 3 to 5 years
Elementary school
Secondary school (includes middle and high school)
Other (please describe)
Please describe age or grade level.
9. In what zip code do you work or go to school? If you are both working and going to school, please provide your work zip code.
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