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Website Navigation Videos

The videos below are full of information about how to get around our website, IRIS Resource Locator (IRL), STAR Legacy Modules, and numerous professional development options. Click the links to begin.


Navigating the IRIS Website

This video tour of the IRIS website highlights our home page and the site’s five main areas: Resources, PD Options, Articles & Reports, About IRIS, and Help & Support (time: 5:13).

Navigating the IRIS Resource Locator (IRL)

This video demonstrates key features of the IRIS Resource Locator. The IRL is the primary search engine for these popular resources: modules, case studies, fundamental skill sheets, activities, information briefs, interviews, and video vignettes (time: 3:20).

module navigation video

Navigating an IRIS STAR Legacy Module

This video demonstrates the navigation features and components of our STAR Legacy Modules, including the Challenge, Initial Thoughts, Perspectives & Resources, Wrap Up, and Assessment sections. Additionally, you’ll learn about other key features of the modules (time: 4:57).

Earning a PD Certificate for Educators

Earning a PD Certificate for Educators

Watch this video to learn how you can earn a PD Certificate for Educators. We will show you how to set up an account and select from our growing collection of IRIS Star Legacy Modules, which you can use for professional development hours (time: 3:21).

Using the HLP Alignment Tool

Using the HLP Alignment Tool

Watch this video to learn how to navigate our interactive HLP alignment tool. Developed in collaboration with the CEEDAR Center, the HLP alignment tool identifies which IRIS resources provide information on HLPs (time: 4:46).