Accommodations: Instructional and Testing Supports for Students with Disabilities
PD Hours: 2
This module overviews instructional and testing accommodations for students with disabilities, explains how accommodations differ from other kinds of instructional adaptations, defines the four categories of accommodations, and describes how to implement accommodations and evaluate their effectiveness for individual students (est. completion time: 2 hours).
By completing this module and reviewing its accompanying activities, you will be able to:
- Distinguish accommodations from modifications and instructional strategies/interventions
- Describe how instructional and testing accommodations help students with disabilities gain access to the general education curriculum and to assessments
- Understand the responsibilities of the IEP team, including the role of teachers, for making accommodation decisions for students with disabilities
- Select appropriate accommodations that address barriers presented by a student’s disabilities and take into account her or his learning goals
- Identify how teachers can ensure that students receive the greatest (maximum) benefit from accommodations
- Use objective data to determine an accommodation’s effectiveness