Serving Students with Visual Impairments: The Importance of Collaboration (Archived)
View the movie below and then proceed to the Initial Thoughts section (time: 1:37).
Transcript: Challenge
Ms. Milton, a beginning third-grade teacher, receives the following note from her principal three days before school starts.
Ms. Milton:
Two students have transferred to our school from out of state. Evan and Emily Rothman are twins and have been placed in your classroom. Evan is blind, and Emily has low vision.
Mrs. Edwards, the TVI, should be here before classes start to meet with you. She also has the number for the O&M specialist. Someone will come by to deliver the equipment tomorrow; a list of equipment is attached. Copies of the students’ IEPs are also attached. A paraprofessional will be assigned to work with them, but we are still figuring out who that person will be. As soon as we decide, we will let you know. Sorry about the late notice. If you have any questions, let me know.
Mr. Harvey,
Ms. Milton isn’t sure where to start. She has no experience working with students who have visual impairments. She doesn’t even know what an O&M specialist is. Her classroom is already set up, her lessons prepared for the first two weeks, and she isn’t sure what changes she’ll have to make so these students can participate.
Here’s your challenge:
What does Ms. Milton need to know about students with visual disabilities
From whom can Ms. Milton seek assistance and information about students with visual disabilities?
How can Ms. Milton work effectively with others to best meet Evan and Emily’s needs?