Module Wraparound Resources
Addressing Challenging Behaviors (Part 1, Secondary): Understanding the Acting-Out Cycle
This list provides links to other related resources (e.g., modules, case studies, Fundamental Skill Sheets, activities, information briefs) to supplement the content in this IRIS Module, allowing users to further deepen or broaden their knowledge of topics.
- Classroom Behavior Management (Part 1): Key Concepts and Foundational Practices
- Classroom Behavior Management (Part 2, Secondary): Developing a Behavior Management Plan
- Addressing Challenging Behaviors (Part 2, Secondary): Behavioral Strategies
- Functional Behavioral Assessment: Identifying the Reasons for Problem Behavior and Developing a Behavior Plan
Case Studies
- Encouraging Appropriate Behavior
- Effective Room Arrangement: Middle and High School
- Establishing Classroom Norms and Expectations
- Behavior Assessment: Conduct an A-B-C Analysis
- Behavior Assessment: Duration and Latency Recording
- Behavior Assessment: Frequency and Interval Recording
- Behavior Games—Secondary
- Reinforcement: Positive Versus Negative
Information Briefs
- Building Connections with Students from Diverse Cultural Backgrounds through Perspective-Taking
- Five Classroom Management Strategies That Work
- Strategies for De-Escalating Student Behavior in the Classroom
- The Key to Effective Classroom Management
- Understanding Behavior as Communication: A Teacher’s Guide