Page 8: References, Additional Resources, and Credits
To cite this module, please use the following:
The IRIS Center. (2016). Secondary transition: Interagency collaboration. Retrieved from
Note: The references in this section reflect the source material used to construct this module. The links to these references are not updated.
California Transition Alliance. (2015). Secondary transition planning: The basics. Retrieved from
Cease-Cook, J., Fowler, C., Test, D. W. (2015). Strategies for creating work-based learning experiences in schools for secondary students with disabilities. TEACHING Exceptional Children, 47(6), 352–358.
Certo, N. J., Luecking, R. G., Murphy, S., Courey, S., & Belanger, D. (2009). Seamless transition and long-term support for individuals with severe intellectual disabilities. Research & Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities, 33(3), 85–95.
Council for Exceptional Children. (n.d.). CEC’s DCDT fast facts: Interagency collaboration. Retrieved from
Crane, K., Gramlich, M., Peterson, K. (2004). Putting interagency agreements into action. Issue Brief: Examining Current Challenges in Secondary Education and Transition, 3(2). Retrieved from
Crane, K., & Mooney, M. (2005). Essential tools: Improving secondary education and transition for youth with disabilities. Retrieved from
Fabian, E., Luecking, R. G., & the Center on Transition to Employment. (n.d.). Does inter-agency collaboration improve rehabilitation outcomes for transitioning youth? Retrieved from (No longer available.)
Hunter, D., Reid, D. P., & Nishimura, T. (2014). Postsecondary education for students with disabilities. In K. Storey and D. Hunter (Eds.), The Road Ahead (137–198). Amsterdam: IOS Press.
Jefferson County Public Health Developmental Disabilities Program. (2012). How to develop a transition portfolio. Retrieved from
Kohler, P. D. (1993). Best practices in transition: Substantiated or implied? Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals, 16(2), 107–121.
Landmark, L. J., Ju, S., & Zhang, D. (2010). Substantiated best practices in transition: Fifteen plus years later. Career Development for Exceptional Individuals, 33(3), 165–176.
Mazzoni, M. (2014). Transition portfolios. Retrieved from
Morningstar, M. E., & Clavenna-Deane, B. (2014). Preparing secondary special educators and transition specialists. In P. T. Sindelar, E. D. McCray, M. T. Brownell, & B. Lignugaris/Kraft. (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Special Education Teacher Preparation (405–419). New York: Routledge, Taylor, & Francis.
Morningstar, M. E., Erickson, A. G., Lattin, D. L., & Lee, H. (revised June 2012). Quality indicators of exemplary transition programs needs assessment summary [assessment tool]. Lawrence: University of Kansas, Department of Special Education. Retrieved from
Morningstar, M. E., & Mazzotti, V. L. (2014). Teacher preparation to deliver evidence-based transition planning and services to youth with disabilities. CEEDAR Document No. IC-1. Retrieved from
National Center on Secondary Education and Transition. (2005). Community resource mapping: Step 1: Pre-mapping. Retrieved from
National Post-School Outcomes Center, & National Secondary Transition Technical Assistance Center. (2013). Predictor implementation school/district self-assessment. Retrieved from
National Technical Assistance Center on Transition (NTACT). (n.d.). Interagency collaboration correlated with improved education and employment outcomes. Retrieved from
NICHCY. (2014). Adult services: What are they? Where are they? Retrieved from
NICHCY. (n.d.). Transition to adulthood. Retrieved from
Noonan, P. (2014). Transition teaming: 26 strategies for interagency collaboration. Arlington, VA: Council for Exceptional Children.
Noonan, P. M., McCall, Z. A., Zheng, C., & Gaumer Erickson, A. S. (2012). An analysis of collaboration in a state-level interagency transition team. Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals, 35(3), 143–154.
Noonan, P. M., Morningstar, M. E., Erickson, A. G. (2008). Improving interagency collaboration: Effective strategies used by high-performing local districts and communities. Career Development for Exceptional Individuals, 31(3), 132–143.
NSTTAC, & NPSO. (2015, 2016). Getting ready for when your teen reaches the age of majority: A parent’s guide. Retrieved from
Povenmire-Kirk, T., Diegelmann, K., Crump, K., Schnorr, C., Test, D., Flowers, C. & Aspel, N. (2015). Implementing CIRCLES: A new model for interagency collaboration in transition planning. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 42, 51–65.
Rowe, D. A., Alverson, C. Y., Unruh, D. K., Fowler, C. H., Kellems, R., & Test, D. W. (2015). A Delphi study to operationalize evidence-based predictors in secondary transition. Career Development for Exceptional Individuals, 38(2), 113–126.
Simonsen, M., Stuart, C., Luecking, R., & Certo, N. J. (2014). Collaboration among school and post-school agencies for seamless transition. In K. Storey and D. Hunter (Eds.), The Road Ahead (137–154). Amsterdam: IOS Press.
Test, D. W. (2009). Seamless transition for all. Research & Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities, 33(3), 98–99.
Test, D. W., Fowler, C., & Kohler, P. (2010, rev. 2013). Evidence-based practices and predictors in secondary transition: What we know and what we still need to know. Retrieved from
Test, D. W., Mazzotti, V. L., Mustian, A. L., Fowler, C. H., Kortering, L., & Kohler, P. (2008). Evidence-based secondary transition predictors for improving postschool outcomes for students with disabilities. Career Development for Exceptional Individuals, 31(3), 160–181.
Test, D. W., & Peterson, L. (2014). Getting community resources into the IEP. Presented at OSSE Transition Capacity Building Institute, May 1, 2014, Washington, DC.
U.S. Department of Education. (2007, 2011). Transition of students with disabilities to postsecondary education: A guide for high school educators. Retrieved from
U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2016). Persons with a disability: Labor force statistics—2015. Retrieved from
Winsor, J. E., Butterworth, J., & Boone, J. (2011). Jobs by 21 Partnership Project: Impact of cross-system collaboration on employment outcomes of young adults with developmental disabilities. Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 49(4), 274–284.
Zatta, M. C. (video file). Creating vocational portfolios for adolescents with significant disabilities. Retrieved from
Carter, E. W., Owens, L., Swedeen, B., Trainor, A. A., Thompson, C., Ditchman, N., & Cole, O. (2009). Conversations that matter: Engaging communities to expand employment opportunities for youth with disabilities. TEACHING Exceptional Children, 41(6), 38–46.
This article outlines the results of research seeking to develop better and more effective methods of creating greater employment opportunities for students with disabilities after high school. The authors conclude that active and ongoing communication between school and transition personnel and local employers and employment agencies yield substantial benefits toward achieving that goal.
Connor, D. J. (2012). Helping students with disabilities transition to college: 21 tips for students with LD and/or ADD/ADHD. TEACHING Exceptional Children, 44(5), 16–25.
The tips and pointers offered in this article seek to address some of the challenges faced by students with disabilities as they transition from high school to higher education. Compiled with teachers, counselors, and families in mind, the tips include thoughts on the importance of learning about a college or university’s office of disability services, practicing decision-making skills, and knowing student rights, among much more.
Grigal, M., Dwyre, A., Emmett, J., & Emmett, R. (2012). A program evaluation tool for dual enrollment transition programs. TEACHING Exceptional Children, 44(5), 36–45.
Here the authors outline the design and “use of a program evaluation tool designed to support self-assessment of college-based transition programs serving students with intellectual disabilities between the ages of 18-21 in college settings.” Among the topics addressed by the evaluation tool are self-determination skills, student planning, evaluation, and the effectiveness of interagency coordination.
Hamblet, E. C. (2014). Nine strategies to improve college transition planning for students with disabilities. TEACHING Exceptional Children, 46(3), 53–59.
Among the strategies for improving transitions to college for students with disabilities listed in this article are collaborating with families, promoting student independence and self-determination, and equipping students with necessary assistive technology, among much more.
Kellems, R. O., & Morningstar, M. E. (2010). Tips for transition. TEACHING Exceptional Children, 43(2), 60–68.
The authors of this piece lay out not only a number of tips and suggestions for improving the success of post-secondary transitions for students with disabilities, but also offer other online sources for further information. Included here are examples of student-centered transition plans, student interview questions, and information on likely indicators of post-school success.
Kleinert, H. L., Jones, M. M., Sheppard-Jones, K., Harp, B., & Harrison, E. M. (2012). Students with intellectual disabilities going to college? Absolutely! TEACHING Exceptional Children, 44(5), 26–35.
This article outlines a pilot program designed to improve the transition sucess of students with disabilities. It makes the case for similar programs on a more widescale and interconnected basis, describes types of post-secondary education programs, and offers examples student supports.
Online Resources
National Parent Center on Transition and Employment. (n.d.). Social Security/Ticket to work. Retrieved from
This brief online resource from the PACER Center offers information on the benefits offered by the Social Security Administration to transitioning students with disabilities. Included also are notes on the administration’s Ticket to Work program and the Work Incentives Improvement Act.
NICHCY. (2014). Education/training connections. Retrieved on
This resource from the Center for Parent Information and Resources includes a host of Web links to other centers, agencies, professional organizations, and more, all of use to students and the families of students with disabilities making the transition from high school to either employment or higher education.
NICHCY. (2016). Employment connections. Retrieved from
Similarly, this resource from the Center for Parent Information and Resources includes a host of Web links to other centers, agencies, professional organizations, and more, all of use to students and the families of students with disabilities making the transition from high school to the world of work.
Oregon Office of Developmental Disabilities Services, et al. (2016). Developing and implementing a memorandum of understanding. Webinar. Retrieved from
From the Oregon Office of Developmental Disabilities comes this memorandum of understanding regarding efforts by state agencies to help improve the employment opportunities for students with disabilities as they transition from high school to the work force.
Pacer Center. (n.d.). National Parent Center on Transition and Employment. Retrieved from
PACER is a parent training and information center for families and youth with disabilities. Included is information for families and professionals on disability-related topics such as education, vocational training, transition and employment, and other services for students with disabilities.
Tennessee Works. (2014). Community resource guide. Retrieved from
This community resource guide from Tennessee Works seeks to offer information about the agencies and organizations in Nashville dedicated to helping students with disabilities to find jobs after their transition from high school. Included is contact information for advocacy agencies, disability resources for Spanish-speakers and other immigrants, and support services like daycare centers and transportation providers.
Transition Education Network. (n.d.). Interagency collaboration. Retrieved from
This online resource offers information about Project 10, a Florida-based interagency collaboration network established to ease the post-high school transition for students with disabilities. The site also includes information on student-centered planning and effective transition practices, among much else.
U.S. Department of Education. (2011). Q and A: Questions and answers on secondary transition. Retrieved from,root,dynamic,QaCorner,10,
Have questions about the U.S. government’s role in improving secondary transitions for students with disabilities? Come here for answers. Included is information on agency roles, federal activity, and IEP goals for secondary education related to transitions.
U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services. (2017). A transition guide to postsecondary education and employment for students with disabilities. Washington, DC. Retrieved from
This informative resource includes an overview of the secondary transition services and requirements outlined in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Readers will find details and information about student-led planning, employment training options, and programs to help prepare students with disabilities for a successful transition to life after secondary school, among much else.
U.S. Department of Labor. (2014). Highlights of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014. Retrieved from
The U.S. Department of Labor offers this at-a-glance look at the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, designed to make it easier for all Americans, including those with disabilities, to find gainful employment.
National Technical Assistance Center on Transition (NTACT)
Dedicated to assisting “State Education Agencies, Local Education Agencies, State VR agencies, and VR service providers in implementing evidence-based and promising practices ensuring students with disabilities, including those with significant disabilities, graduate prepared for success in postsecondary education and employment,” the National Technical Assistance Center on Transition (NTACT) offers this wealth of resources and information. Visitors here will find resources about transition planning, effective practices, data-analysis and use, and much, much more.
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