School Nurses: Roles and Responsibilities in the School Setting (Archived)
Perspectives & Resources
By completing this module’s Perspectives & Resources section and reviewing its accompanying activities, you will be able to:
- Understand the roles and responsibilities of a school nurse
- Have a more complete understanding of the role of the school nurse in developing and implementing Section 504 plans and IEPs
- Understand the importance of advocacy and collaboration in supporting students’ needs
This IRIS Module aligns with the following licensure and program standards and topic areas. Click the arrows below to learn more.
The DEC Recommended Practices are designed to help improve the learning outcomes of young children (birth through age five) who have or who are at-risk for developmental delays or disabilities. Please note that, because the IRIS Center has not yet developed resources aligned with DEC Topic 8: Transition, that topic is not currently listed on this page.
Teaming and Collaboration
- TC1. Practitioners representing multiple disciplines and families work together as a team to plan and implement sup ports and services to meet the unique needs of each child and family.
- TC2. Practitioners and families work together as a team to systematically and regularly exchange expertise, knowledge, and information to build team capacity and jointly solve problems, plan, and implement interventions.
- TC3. Practitioners use communication and group facilitation strategies to enhance team functioning and interpersonal relationships with and among team members.
- TC4. Team members assist each other to discover and access community-based services and other informal and formal resources to meet family-identified child or family needs.
- TC4. Practitioners and families may collaborate with each other to identify one practitioner from the team who serves as the primary liaison between the family and other team members based on child and family priorities and needs.
When you are ready, proceed to Page 1.