What are the stages of the pre-referral process and what do they involve?
Page 8: Stage 5: Implementation and Monitoring of Strategies
During the implementation and monitoring of strategies stage, the plan is implemented and the student’s progress is monitored. Implementation and monitoring are often the responsibility of a classroom teacher, though others on the team may serve as support. Data is collected during this stage and will be used to help the team determine the effectiveness of the intervention. Many teachers have found that one relatively fast, easy, and effective means of monitoring academic progress is through the use of curriculum based measurement (CBM). For monitoring student behavior, the teacher can use checklists or a behavior recording sheet.
curriculum-based measurement (CBM)
A type of progress monitoring conducted on a regular basis to assess student performance throughout an entire year’s curriculum; teachers can use CBM to evaluate not only student progress but also the effectiveness of their instructional methods.
behavior recording sheet
Log sheet used to collect data on a student’s observed behavior, especially its frequency, latency, or duration.
For more information on curriculum-based measurement, please visit the IRIS Modules:
For Your Information
Implementing an appropriate intervention and monitoring its effectiveness are critical components of the pre-referral process. Interventions must be implemented with fidelity— that is, the person designated to carry out the intervention should implement it as it was designed and intended to be used.
Pre-referral at Macy Middle School
Stage 5: Implementation and Monitoring
All the teachers write the homework assignments on the board, check the planner, and verbally remind Jeremy to turn in his assignments. Mr. Young, the person assigned by the team to monitor the intervention, checks in with the teachers at least once per week to make sure they are implementing the intervention and to monitor Jeremy’s progress.