Accommodations to the Physical Environment: Setting Up a Classroom for Students with Visual Disabilities (Archived)
Wrap Up
In this module you met Ms. Milton, who is preparing for the arrival of two students with visual disabilities. You learned about available resources for assistance, considerations for arranging the classroom, and information about assistive devices.
Now, listen as Sharon Sacks lists key points about the role of a general education teacher who has students with visual impairments (time: 0:56).
Transcript: Wrap Up
I think that the general education teacher needs to feel like the student with visual impairment is a part of his or her classroom. Not that he or she is the responsibility of the teacher for students with visual impairments but that both teachers work together to make sure that the student who is blind or visually impaired is successful in the general education classroom. Having the student anticipate routine; giving the student information about the organization of the classroom; explaining information verbally that’s on the whiteboard of the classroom or things that are very visual in the classroom; giving the student with visual impairments responsibilities as you would with every student in the classroom and having high expectations for the student’s performance within the general education classroom.
Revisiting Initial Thoughts
Think back to your initial responses to the following questions. After working through the resources in this module, do you agree with your Initial Thoughts? If not, what aspects of your answers would you change?
What resources should Ms. Milton consult to learn more about Evan’s and Emily’s needs?
What should Ms. Milton consider when planning her room?
What is all this equipment? Where should Ms. Milton put it?
If you wish to find out more about how to modify your learning environment to best meet the needs of students with visual impairments, visit the IRIS Module:
For more information on collaborating with the TVI, the O&M specialist, and paraprofessionals, visit the IRIS Module:
When you are ready, proceed to the Assessment section.