Page 10: References & Helpful Resources
To cite this module, please use the following:
The IRIS Center. (2020, 2021). Parents: Supporting learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. Retrieved from
Android Accessibility Help. (n.d.). Accessibility overview. Retrieved from
Apple Accessibility Help. (n.d.). Accessibility support. Retrieved from
Belsky, G. (n.d.). Back to school anxiety in kids: What to watch out for. Retrieved from
Center on Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports, & Center for Parent Information & Resources. (2020). Supporting families with PBIS at home. Retrieved from
Chaudhary, N. (2021). Prepare your kids mentally for the transition back to school. Retrieved from
Common Sense Media. (n.d.). What accessibility settings on my devices can help my child with special needs? Retrieved from
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Family Education. (2020). Common Core math: How to help when your child’s homework gives you anxiety. Retrieved from
Faria, L. C. (2020). How to prepare for extended school closings (and not lose your mind). Retrieved from
Fleming, N. (2020). New strategies in special education as kids learn from home. Retrieved from
Fred Rogers Center. (2020). Support for helpers during Coronavirus. Retrieved from
Gonser, S., & Merrill, S. (2020). From WI-FI to food drops: How districts are tackling the big issues now. Retrieved from
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Institute of Education Sciences. (2018). Two strategies to help your child learn to love math [Video file]. Retrieved from
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National Association of School Psychologists. (2020). Helping children cope with changes resulting from COVID-19. Retrieved from
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NYU Langone Health. (2020). School’s out: A parents’ guide for meeting the challenge during the COVID-19 pandemic. Retrieved from
Oregon Department of Education. (2020). A guide for at-home learning. Retrieved from
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Parents Lead (2020). COVID-19: New resources. Retrieved from
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PBS Kids. (2018). 6 ways to help kids develop positive math attitudes. Retrieved from
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Prepared Parents. (2020). Maximize short bursts of time together. Retrieved from
Prothero, A. (2020). Teaching kids at home during Coronavirus: Pro tips from homeschoolers. Education Week. Retrieved from
Rawe, J. (2020). Stuck at home? 20 Learning activities to keep kids busy. Retrieved from*1tfma8p*domain_userid*YW1wLXc1QnEwU194US1EaTNhRFdmUG5EekE.
Richards, R., & Valentine, S. J. (2020). How to keep school rhythm and routines for young children at home. EdSurge. Retrieved from
Rosen, P. (n.d.). Classroom accommodations for auditory processing disorder. Retrieved from*1dogq5a*domain_userid*YW1wLU16TTNqc0tQLVgxeUhBVVp3d21aQnc.
Rosen, P. (n.d.). Working memory: What it is and how it works. Retrieved from*wexgi1*domain_userid*YW1wLU16TTNqc0tQLVgxeUhBVVp3d21aQnc.
Rossnan, S. (2006). Overcoming math anxiety. Mathitudes, 1(1). Retrieved from
Samuels, C. A. (2020). How much home teaching is too much? Schools differ in demands on parents. Education Week. Retrieved from
Scholastic Parents Staff. (2020). Choosing children’s books for a reluctant reader. Retrieved from
Sheen, J., & Dudley, A. (2018). So your child refuses to go to school? Here’s how to respond. Retrieved from
Smith, S. J. (2020). Distance learning: 8 tips to get your child ready to learn at home. Retrieved from*1ox4j3a*domain_userid*YW1wLVFWWG5jUDhQMjk5UXJ5TWlJTC1VUW
Swanson, E., Kurz, L. A., & Wexler, J. (2018). Motivating children to do their homework: Parent’s guide. Austin, TX: The Meadows Center for Preventing Educational Risk. Retrieved from
Tennessee Department of Education. (2020). School closure toolkit: Families. Retrieved from
The IRIS Center. (2010, Rev. 2018). Accommodations: Instructional and testing supports for students with disabilities. Retrieved from
The National Child Traumatic Stress Network. (2020). Parent/caregiver guide to helping families cope with the Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Retrieved from
Thibodeau, L., & Rappaport, N. (2020). Helping students cope with change and disruption. ASCD Express, 15(21). Retrieved from
U.S. Department of Education. (2020). Questions and answers on providing services to children with disabilities during the Coronavirus disease 2019 outbreak. Retrieved from
U.S. Department of Education. (2020). Supplemental fact sheet addressing the risk of COVID-19 in preschool, elementary, and secondary schools while serving children with disabilities. Retrieved from
Understood. (2020). Download: Picture schedules and learning agreements for your child. Retrieved from*1svq814*domain_userid*YW1wLVFWWG5jUDhQMjk5UXJ5TWlJTC1VUWc.
Understood. (2020). Parent-child behavior contract. Retrieved from
Understood. (n.d.). Understanding your child’s trouble with focus. Retrieved from*1tlt24i*domain_userid*YW1wLU16TTNqc0tQLVgxeUhBVVp3d21aQnc
Understood. (n.d.). Understanding your child’s trouble with reading. Retrieved from
Understood. (n.d.). What is decoding? Retrieved from
Helpful Resources
Android Support
Need help wrangling your child’s Android device? Visit this support page for privacy information, device management tips, and more.
Apple Support
Virtual learning brings with it a host of privacy concerns. Consult Apple’s support page for information on device security and how to block apps.
This website is a tremendous resource for anyone looking for reading materials for students with disabilities. By offering a variety of reading and listening formats, Bookshare helps get kids reading. In this page for parent support during COVID-19, you’ll find a treasure trove of resources for parents supporting their children’s reading instruction at home.
Centers for Disease Control
Let’s face it. With uncertainty can come stress and anxiety. Thankfully, the CDC offers resources with tips on how to get through the day, including daily checklists, notes on stress and how to cope with it, and even tips for pet owners!
Center for Parent Information and Resources (CPIR)
This center offers many types of supports for the parents of children with disabilities. It has a library of online resources developed just for parents, including short Webinars on topics like “Stay at Home Order Got You Down?” and “Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok and Beyond – Using Social Media for Peer-to-Peer Engagement.”
Center on Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)
Looking for resources to help support positive behavior? This is the place to be. PBIS offers helpful information about managing your child’s behavior, support for families, and even tips on how to prepare for your child’s eventual return to school.
Common Sense Media
This clearinghouse for useful information and resources checks a lot of boxes. Looking for help getting your kid ready for online learning? It’s here. Time-management apps and apps that don’t require Wi-Fi or tons of data? Also here. There are even videos to help young children wash their hands the right way. Click the link to see it all for yourself.
Worksheets by grade level, parental cue cards to help you manage difficult situations, ready-made reading lists, if you’re searching for helpful resources during school closures GreatSchools probably has you covered. A COVID-19 learning guide offers information and tips on setting up a learning space at home.
IDEAs That Work
This informational site maintained by the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) now includes information for parents during the COVID-19 pandemic. Visit here to find information on the use of evidence-based practices to help support your child’s learning at home.
Iowa Reading Research Center
Need a hand supporting your child’s reading instruction at home? The Iowa Reading Research Center might have just what you’re looking for. Information about graphic organizers, ideas for writing prompts, and support for standards-aligned learning, it’s all here along with so much more.
Khan Academy
As you might have noticed throughout this module, Khan Academy offers a huge number of resources to support families. These include information on supporting your child’s learning at home, sample schedules, and blank forms for you to create your own resources. Visit the website to see it all for yourself.
National Center on Accessible Educational Materials
Looking for resources to support students who need accessible materials and technologies while learning remotely during the COVID-19 crisis? They’re right here. Covering everything from support for learners to the basics of accessibility and even laws and legislation related to disability, AEM has it all.
National Center on Deaf-Blindness
A national technical assistance center, NCDB works with state deaf-blind projects and other partners to improve educational results and quality of life for children who are deaf-blind and their families. This section for families includes information for learning support and even family events to participate in.
National Center on Improving Literacy (NCIL)
If your child has a literacy-related disability, this center is a good source of information. It offers all kinds of tips and short videos that show you how to help your child with reading, writing, and more.
National Deaf Center on Postsecondary Outcomes
The National Deaf Center works to close the gaps in education and employment that exist for deaf people in the United States and its territories. The center’s page for families during COVID-19 offers information about accessibility options for virtual learning, checklists for teaching deaf students online, the use of hearing assistive devices at home, and so much more.
Pacer Center. (n.d.). Coronavirus (COVID-19) resources for families
A parent training and information center for families and youth with disabilities, PACER offers these resources to assist families educating their children at home during the COVID-19 pandemic. Visitors will find information on social and emotional support, virtual learning in the context of students with disabilities, and much more, including resources in the English, Spanish, Hmong, and Somali languages.
Parents Lead
Talking to your child about a difficult subject can be tricky. You want to give her the information she needs to know without frightening her or causing undo anxiety. If you need help with this, visit this section of the Parents Lead website to find conversation guides broken down by age group, as well as other resources for children and parents.
Reading Rockets
Having a tough time coming up with reading material for your child? Reading Rockets to the rescue! With 24 topics covering everything from arts and artists to the science of the weather, the resources here will streamline support for literacy instruction like never before.
Support for Children with Autism
This resource created by the UNC Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute’s Autism Team offers seven strategies for supporting children with autism spectrum disorder through uncertain times. Come here for information on maintaining routines, coping and calming skills, supporting understanding, and more.
Understood’s resources for families cover a lot of ground. Find information here about helping kids who have trouble focusing, supporting a child with ADHD, creative ideas for reading lessons, and tons more.
U.S. Department of Education’s COVID-19 (“Coronavirus”) Information and Resources for Schools and School Personnel
This site has information from the Centers for Disease Control and suggestions for at-home activities from various federal agencies. It also contains guidance documents like: