Page 8: References, Additional Resources, and Credits
To cite this module, please use the following:
The IRIS Center. (2017). Secondary transition: Student-centered planning. Retrieved from
Note: The references in this section reflect the source material used to construct this module. The links to these references are not updated.
Agran, M., & Hughes, C. (2008). Asking student input: Students’ opinion regarding their Individualized Education Program involvement. Career Development for Exceptional Individuals, 31, 69–76.
Carter, E. W., Lane, K. L., Pierson, M. R., & Stang, K. K. (2008). Promoting self-determination for transition-age youth: Views of high school general and special educators. Exceptional Children, 75(1), 55–70.
Carter, E. W., & Lunsford, L. B. (2005). Meaningful work: Improving employment outcomes for transition-age youth with emotional and behavioral disorders. Preventing School Failure, 49(2), 63–69.
Collier, M. L., Griffin, M. M., & Wei, Y. (2014). Facilitating student involvement in transition assessment: A pilot study of the Student Transition Questionnaire. Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals.
Eisenman, L., Chamberlin, M., & McGahee-Kovac, M. (2005). A teacher inquiry group on student-led IEPs: Starting small to make a difference. Teacher Education and Special Education, 28, 195–206.
Field, S., & Hoffman, A. (2007). Self-determination in secondary transition assessment. Assessment for Effective Intervention, 32, 181–190.
Field, S., Martin, J., Miller, R., Ward, M., & Wehmeyer, M. (1998). Self-determination for persons with disabilities: A position statement of the Division on Career Development and Transition. Career Development for Exceptional Individuals, 21, 113–128.
Hawbaker, B. W. (2007). Student-Led IEP Meetings: Planning and Implementation Strategies. TEACHING Exceptional Children Plus, 3(5), Article4. Retrieved from
Hughes, C., & Carter, E. W. (2011). Transition supports: Equipping youth for adult life. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 35, 177–180.
Kellems, R. O., & Morningstar, M. E. (2010). Tips for transition. TEACHING Exceptional Children, 43(2), 60–68.
Kohler, P. D., & Field, S. (2003). Transition-focused education: Foundation for the future. The Journal of Special Education, 37, 174–183.
Martin, J. E., Marshall, L. H., & Sale, P. (2004). A 3-year study of middle, junior high, and high school IEP meetings. Exceptional Children, 70, 285–297.
Martin, J. D., Martin, J. E., & Osmani, K. J. (2013). Teaching students to attain annual transition goals using the take action goal attainment lessons. Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals, 37(2), 72–83.
Martin, J. E., & Williams-Diehm, K. (2013). Student engagement and leadership of the transition planning process. Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals, 36(1), 43–50.
Mason, C. Y., McGahee-Kovac, M., & Johnson, L. (2004). How to help students lead their IEP meetings. Teaching Exceptional Children, 36(3), 18–24.
Mason, C. Y., McGahee-Kovac, M., Johnson, L., & Stillerman, S. (2002). Implementing student-led IEPs: Student participation and student and teacher reactions. Career Development for Exceptional Individuals, 25(2), 171–192.
Mazzotti, V. L., Rowe, D. A., Cameto, R., Test, D. W., & Morningstar, M. E. (2013). Identifying and promoting transition evidence-based practices and predictors of success: A position paper of the Division on Career Development and Transition. Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals, 36(3), 140–151.
Myers, A., & Eisenman, L. (2005). Student-led IEPs: Take the first step. Teaching Exceptional Children, 37(4), 52–58.
Pierson, M. R., Carter, E. W., Lane, K. L., & Glaeser, B. C. (2008). Factors influencing the self-determination of transition-age youth with high-incidence disabilities. Career Development for Exceptional Individuals, 31(2), 115–125.
Shogren, K. A., Wehmeyerm M. L., Palmer, S. B., Rifenbark, G. G., & Little, T. D. (2015). Relationships between self-determination and postschool outcomes for youth with disabilities. The Journal of Special Education, 48(4), 256–267.
Sitlington, P. L., Neubert, D. A., & Leconte, P. J. (1997). Transition assessment: The position of the Division on Career Development and Transition. Career Development for Exceptional Individuals, 20, 69–79.
Swedeen, B. L., Carter, E. W., & Molfenter, N. (2010). Getting everyone involved: Identifying transition opportunities for youth with severe disabilities. TEACHING Exceptional Children, 43(2), 38–49.
Szidon, K., Ruppar, A., & Smith, L. (2015). Five steps for developing effective transition plans for high school students with autism spectrum disorder. TEACHING Exceptional Children, 47(3), 147–152.
Test, D. W., Fowler, C., & Kohler, P. (2010, rev. 2016). Evidence-based practices and predictors in secondary transition: What we know and what we still need to know. NTACT document. Retrieved from
Test, D. W., Mazzotti, V. L., Mustian, A. L., Fowler, C. H., Kortering, L., & Kohler, P. (2009). Evidence-based secondary transition predictors for improving postschool outcomes for students with disabilities. Career Development for Exceptional Individuals, 32(3), 160–181.
Trainor, A. A., Morningstar, M., Murray, A., & Kim, H. (2013). Social capital during the postsecondary transition for young adults with high incidence disabilities. The Prevention Researcher, 20(2), 7–10.
Van Dycke, J. L., Martin, J. E., & Lovett, D. L. (2006). Why is this cake on fire? Inviting students into the IEP process. Teaching Exceptional Children, 38(3), 42–47.
Wehmeyer, M. L., & Palmer, S. B. (2003). Adult outcomes for students with cognitive disabilities three-years after high school: The impact of self-determination. Education and Training in Developmental Disabilities, 38, 131–144.
Wehmeyer, M. L., & Schwartz, M. (1998). The relationship between self-determination and quality of life for adults with mental retardation. Education and training in mental retardation and developmental disabilities, 33(1), 3–12.
Konrad, M. (2008). 20 ways to involve students in the IEP process. Intervention in School and Clinic, 43(4), 236–239.
Twenty simple steps to better and more fully involve students in their own IEP processes are presented here, with those steps helpfully grouped into five major stages that cover everything from “Stage 1: Developing Background Knowledge” to “Stage 5: Implementing the IEP.”
Konrad, M., Trela, K., & Test, D. (2006). Using IEP goals and objectives to teach paragraph writing to high school students with physical and cognitive disabilities. Education & Training in Developmental Disabilities, 41(2), 111–124.
This study overviews the effectiveness of GO 4 IT…NOW!, a self-regulated writing strategy designed to help students with disabilities to write better paragraphs. Results show that tying the strategy to the task of students writing their own IEP goals resulted in improved content and quality scores of those statements. Thoughts on implications for further research and practice are included.
Morgan, R. L., Kupferman, S., Jex, E., Preece, H., & Williams, S. (2017). Promoting student transition planning by using a self-directed summary of performance. TEACHING Exceptional Children, 50(2), 66–73.
Educators and school leaders are increasingly recognizing the importance of encouraging student participation in their own transition processes, and this is doubly true for students with disabilities, who face unique challenges following high school. In this article, the authors overview the process of creating effective summary of performance documents (SOP), with guidance on including student background information, post-secondary goals, and skills and abilities, among much else.
Uphold, N. M., Walker, A. R., & Test, D. W. (2007). Resources for involving students in their IEP process. TEACHING Exceptional Children, 3(4). Retrieved from
The authors of this article address a gap in the availability of resources to improve student self-determination. Included here is a variety of “no-cost” guides, templates, toolkits, and more designed to better prepare students for their eventual transition from postsecondary education.
Online Resources
Cameto, R., Levine, P., & Wagner, M. (2004). National Longitudinal Transition Study 2: Transition planning for students with disabilities. Menlo Park, CA: SRI International. Retrieved from
Developed in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP), this report “examines efforts to prepare youth with disabilities for the transition from secondary school to adulthood. It highlights the transition planning process undertaken during high school with and for youth with disabilities as they prepare for life after school.” The resource includes demographic information related to the transition process, notes on student transition goals, tips for increasing family participation, and much more.
Center for Parent Information and Resources. (2018). Students Get Involved!. Retrieved from
Center for Parent Information and Resources. Students Get Involved! This website provides links and information to help improve the participation of students in their IEP process. On hand here is a discussion with Jim Martin on student involvement in IEPs, links regarding person-centered planning, and links for students.
I’m Determined, Virginia Department of Education. (n.d.). Module four: Students determined to take control of their education and their lives. Retrieved from
This online module from the Virginia Department of Education’s I’m Determined program includes “ideas, videos and resources to help to get your student involved in leading his own IEP.” Readers will find a student-led IEP PowerPoint presentation, video clips showing students taking a lead role in their IEP meetings, sample portfolio templates, and links to other resources and information.
Martin, J. E., Marshall, L. H., Maxson, L. M., & Jerman, P. L. (1996). The self-directed IEP. Retrieved from
This compact online resource outlines a series of lessons designed to teach students how to better direct their own IEP meetings. Offered here are a number of “transition curriculum objectives” as well as the steps necessary to attaining them, related video suggestions for course enhancement, a reference list, and more. Scroll down to the Expressing Goals Strand and select “Resources and Lessons,” then “Self-Directed IEP Description.”
Newman, L., Wagner, M., Knokey, A.-M., Marder, C., Nagle, K., Shaver, D., Wei, X., with Cameto, R., Contreras, E., Ferguson, K., Greene, S., and Schwarting, M. (2011). The post-high school outcomes of young adults with disabilities up to 8 years after high school. A Report from the National Longitudinal Transition Study-2. Menlo Park, CA: SRI International. Retrieved from
This book-length report on the results of this comprehensive study covers everything from an overview of the research and methods itself, statistics about young people with disability in education and employment, community engagement, social life, and much, much more.
Pacer Center. (n.d.). National Parent Center on Transition and Employment. Retrieved from
PACER is a parent training and information center for families and youth with disabilities. Included is information for families and professionals on disability-related topics such as education, vocational training, transition and employment, and other services for students with disabilities.
Rutland Middle School. (n.d.). Student led IEPs in practice. Retrieved from
This slide presentation developed by a middle school in Macon, Georgia, offers tips and information on IEP meetings led by its teachers, including accommodations for students with specific disabilities, examples and non-examples of the IEP process itself, and observations about how the IEP process changed the teachers’ own attitudes and perceptions.
Sawyer, S., & the California Transition Alliance. (2013). Secondary transition planning: The basics. Retrieved from
Developed by the California Transition Alliance, this helpful overview of the transition process includes a terminology guide, statistics from research into student transition, notes on effective ways to follow up with students after they transition out of secondary education, and more.
Technical Assistance Partnership for Transition at Cornell University. (2021) Student-directed individualized educational program (IEP) for families. New York State Education Department Office of Special Education Educational Partnership. Retrieved from
This presentation gives an overview of student-led IEPs, including what they are/their components, why they are important, and ways to promote them.
Transition Coalition (n.d.). Assessment reviews. Retrieved from
This online resource contains information and reviews of a number of different assessment scales for different categories. Readers will find reviews of the Ansell-Casey Life Skills Assessment, the AIR Self-Determination Scale, and much more.
U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services. (2020). A transition guide to postsecondary education and employment for students and youth with disabilities. Washington, DC. Retrieved from
This informative resources includes an overview of the secondary transition services and requirements outlined in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Readers will find details and information about student-led planning, employment training options, and programs to help prepare students with disabilities for a successful transition to life after secondary school, among much else.
Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction. (2013). Opening doors to self-determination skills: Planning for life after high school. Retrieved from
Created by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction, this resource offers information for students and their families, teachers, counselors, and transition coordinators alike. Included are a transition planning timeline, some suggested questions to ask during IEP meetings, and a postsecondary education exploration worksheet.
I’m Determined, Virginia Department of Education
Visitors to the Virginia Department of Education’s I’m Determined site will find resources and information for teachers, students, and parents, including an extensive film archive, podcasts, and self-determination toolkits and resources students and their families alike.
National Center on Secondary Education and Transition (NCSET)
The online home of the National Center on Secondary Education and Transition “offers technical assistance, and disseminates information related to secondary education and transition for youth with disabilities in order to create opportunities for youth to achieve successful futures.” Visitors here will find resources on IEPs and transition planning, student self-determination skills, and career guidance and job-seeking.
National Technical Assistance Center on Transition (NTACT)
Dedicated to assisting state and local education agencies to facilitate greater and more efficient secondary transition, NTAC offers visitors to its online home a wide variety of resources and information, including transition planning resources, practice guides and data tools, practices and programs to increase the likelihood post-school success, among much else.
A collaboration with Vanderbilt University’s Kennedy Center, TennesseeWorks seeks “to increase the number of young people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) who are employed in the state.” On hand here are a wide variety of resources for young people, their families, prospective employers, and teachers. Resources include statistics on young people with disabilities and employment and an overview of federal, state, and local laws.
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