Youth with Disabilities in Juvenile Corrections (Part 2): Transition and Reentry to School and Community
Take some time now to answer the following questions. Please note that the IRIS Center does not collect your Assessment responses. If this is a course assignment, you should turn them in to your professor using whatever method she or he requires. If you have trouble answering any of the questions, go back and review the Perspectives & Resources pages in this module.
- Answer the questions below about some of the statistical characteristics of youth in JC settings:
- What percentage of incarcerated youth have disabilities?
- What are three of the most common disabilities in JC settings?
- List and describe the four stages of transition in the juvenile justice system.
- List at least three factors that make transition and reentry difficult for youth.
- What is transition planning, and why is it important that it begins when a youth enters a facility?
Fifteen-year-old Jerry will be incarcerated for six months in a JC facility for car theft. He has a history of missing school and has earned only a few credits towards graduation. During his intake interview, Jerry reports than he has ADHD, and his school record confirms that he has an IEP and has been receiving special education services. He also indicates that he really likes cars and would someday like to have a job working with them. Jerry would like to return home after being released, and his parents are very supportive of this plan. However, they report needing help supervising Jerry after school because he is on his own at home until his mother gets off work.
- List at least four people who would be on Jerry’s transition team and describe their roles.
- In the table below, describe one action the transition team can take during residency to help prepare Jerry for reentry in each key area (education, employment, independent living)
- Answer the questions below about some of the statistical characteristics of youth in JC settings:
Action |
Education | |
Employment | |
Independent Living |