What advice would you give Mr. Carter?
Page 1: Understanding and Using Strategies
A strategy is a series of steps that we use to more quickly or effectively perform a specific task. We are always using strategies. In fact, we use them so automatically that most of the time we’re not even aware that we’re doing it. Strategies allow students to use the knowledge they already possess—to complete an assignment or to accomplish a goal.
Something to Consider
Strategies are like tools; they make a job easier. For example, can you lift your car? Of course you can! It is simple: All you need is a jack. But many students are in the position of being asked to perform an academic task without having the proper tools or knowing how to use them.
Characteristics of Strategic Learners | Characteristics of Non-strategic Learners |
Listen to Steve Graham talk about using strategic behavior (time: 0:26).
Steve Graham, EdD
Division of Educational Leadership and Innovation,
Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona
Transcript: Steve Graham, EdD
Strategic behavior helps you approach a task in a thoughtful, planful, and reflective way, providing you with the cognitive steps to get the job done in each of the academic domains, whether that’s a strategy for reading comprehension, whether that’s a strategy for writing persuasive text, or whether it’s a strategy for doing a long division problem. It helps you know what to do first, second, third.