Page 10: References, Additional Resources, and Credits
To cite this module, please use the following:
The IRIS Center. (2015). Intensive intervention (part 2): Collecting and analyzing data for data-based individualization. Retrieved from
Note: The references in this section reflect the source material used to construct this module. The links to these references are not updated.
Cohen, L. G., & Spenciner, L. J. (2010). Error analysis of mathematics. Pearson/Allyn Bacon/Prentice Hall: Boston, MA.
Colorado Department of Education. (2006). 2006 Hasbrouck & Tindal oral reading fluency data. Retrieved on October 29, 2015, from
Danielson, L., & Rosenquist, C. (2014). Introduction to the TEC special issue on data-based individualization. TEACHING Exceptional Children, 46(4), 6–12.
Deno, S. (n.d.). Ongoing student assessment. Retrieved on May 14, 2015, from
Educational Research. (n.d.). Students’ common errors in working with fractions. Retrieved on October 29, 2015, from
El Paso Community College. (2009). Decimals: Common mistakes. Retrieved on October 29, 2015, from
El Passo Community College. (2009). Fractions: Common mistakes. Retrieved on October 29, 2015, from
Fuchs, D., Fuchs, L. S., & Vaughn, S. (2014). What is intensive instruction and why is it important? TEACHING Exceptional Children, 46(4), 13–18.
Fuchs, L. S., & Fuchs, D. (2006). Progress monitoring: Identifying LD and improving student outcomes. PowerPoint slides. Retrieved on October 29, 2015, from
Fuchs, L., & Kern, L. (2014). Data rich, information poor? Making sense of progress monitoring data to guide intervention decisions. PowerPoint slides. Retrieved on May 14, 2015, from
Gunther, J., & Learn NC, UNC School of Education. (2007). Ongoing assessment for reading: Analyzing the miscues. Retrieved on May 14, 2015, from
Iowa Department of Education. (n.d.). Reading skills error analysis sheet. Retrieved on October 29, 2015, from
Lane Education Service District. (n.d.). A parent’s guide to standardized achievement testing. Retrieved on May 14, 2015, from’s%20Guide%20to%20Understanding%20Achievement%20Testing.pdf
Lemons, C. J., Kearns, D. M., & Davidson, K. A. (2014). Data-based individualization in reading: Intensifying interventions for students with significant reading disabilities. TEACHING Exceptional Children, 46(4), 20–29.
National Center on Intensive Intervention. (2013). Data-based individualization: A framework for intensive intervention. Retrieved on November 5, 2015, from
National Center on Intensive Intervention. (2014). Reading miscue analysis. Retrieved on May 14, 2015, from
National Center on Intensive Intervention. (2104). Computation error analysis practice. Retrieved on May 14, 2015, from
National Center on Intensive Intervention. (n.d.). Informal academic diagnostic assessment: Using data to guide intensive instruction. Part 1: Administering academic progress monitoring measures. PowerPoint slides. Retrieved on May 14, 2015, from
National Center on Intensive Intervention. (n.d.). Informal academic diagnostic assessment: Using data to guide intensive instruction. Part 2: Reviewing graphed data. PowerPoint slides. Retrieved on May 14, 2015, from
National Center on Intensive Intervention. (n.d.). Informal academic diagnostic assessment: Using data to guide intensive instruction. Part 3: Miscue and skills analysis. PowerPoint slides. Retrieved on May 14, 2015, from
National Center on Intensive Intervention. (n.d.). Reading miscue analysis. Retrieved on October 29, 2015, from
Powell, S. R., & Stecker, P. M. (2014). Using data-based individualization to intensify mathematics intervention for students with disabilities. TEACHING Exceptional Children, 46(4), 31–37.
SuperKids. (n.d.). SuperKids math worksheet: Addition and subtraction. Retrieved on October 29, 2015, from
University of Kansas, Special Connections. (n.d.). Error pattern analysis. Retrieved on May 14, 2015, from
WestEd. (n.d.). Systematic analysis of student errors. Retrieved on October 29, 2015, from
Filderman, M. J., & Toste, J. R. (2017). Decisions, decisions, decisions: Using data to make instructional decisions for struggling readers. TEACHING Exceptional Children, 50(3), 130–140.
Despite the emphasis on reading instruction as a crucial component of academic success, the authors of this piece report that some 50% of students with reading disabilities fail to make adequate progress. This article overviews data-based decision making (DDBM) as a means through which to intensify instruction and help students to reach their learning goals. Step-by-step instructions for collecting and interpretation data are included.
Jung, P-G, McMaster, K. L., Kunkel, A. K., Shin, J., & Stecker, P. M. (2018). Effects of data-based individualization for students with intensive learning needs: A meta-analysis. Learning Disabilities Research & Practice, 33(3), 144–155. DOI: 10.1111/1drp.12172
Here the authors examine the effect of data-based individualization (DBI) among students with intensive learning needs across a variety of academic topics and instructional applications. Included are data on a series of studies, indicating positive effects in reading, mathematics, spelling, writing, and more. Thoughts on the limitations of the study and suggestions for further investigation are also included.
Kern, L., & Wehby, J. H. (2014). Using data to intensify behavioral interventions for individual students. TEACHING Exceptional Children, 46(4), 45–53.
In this article, the authors provide information on the various tiers of intervention in the hypothetical case of Isaac, a twelve-year-old with a history of behavior issues in the classroom. Included also are details on self-monitoring, behavior assessments, family support, and classroom behavior expectations, among much more.
McInerney, M., Zumeta, R. O., Gandhi, A. G., & Gersten, R. (2014). Building and sustaining complex systems: Addressing common challenges to implementing intensive interventions. TEACHING Exceptional Children, 46(4), 54–63.
This informative article sees its authors overviewing some of the challenges facing schools as they begin to implement systems of intensive interventions. The article includes a number of step-by-step strategies for doing so, as well as specific examples drawn from actual schools and educators in the field.
Wehby, J. H., & Kern, L. (2014). Intensive behavior intervention: What is it, what is its evidence base, and why do we need to implement now? TEACHING Exceptional Children, 46(4), 38–44.
Here the authors reflect on the critical importance of implementing intensive interventions among students with significant behavioral difficulties in the classroom. Included are details on the tiers of intervention with an emphasis on adapting those interventions to better suit individual students, as well as notes on the benefits of evidence-based practices and wraparound supports.
Online Resources
Murray, C. S., Coleman, M. A., Vaughn, S., Wanzek, J., & Roberts, G. (2012). Designing and delivering intensive interventions: A teacher’s toolkit. Portsmouth, NH: RMC Research Corporation, Center on Instruction. Retrieved on October 6, 2015, from
This online toolkit, developed by the Center on Instruction, is designed to provide “activities and resources to assist practitioners in designing and delivering intensive interventions in reading and mathematics for K–12 students with significant learning difficulties and disabilities.” Users will find sample lessons, as well as lesson reflection templates and an extensive resource guide, among much else.
National Center on Intensive Intervention. (2013). Using FBA for diagnostic assessment in behavior. Retrieved on November 11, 2015, from
This online training module from the National Center on Intensive Intervention on the use of functional behavior analysis also offers a wealth of resources and information in the form of self-assessment worksheets, information on common behavior problems, PowerPoint slides, a coaching guide, and much more.
National Center on Intensive Intervention. (2014). Informal academic diagnostic assessment: Using data to guide instruction: Part 4: Identifying target skills in reading and math. Retrieved on November 11, 2015, from
This online training module from the National Center on Intensive Intervention covers the identification of target skills in math and reading, and includes access to helpful resources like PowerPoint slides, progress monitoring handouts, a coaching guide, and much more.
Tillman, C. R., & Gandhi, A. (2014). What is an evidence-based behavior intervention? Choosing and implementing behavior interventions that work. Webinar. Accessed on November 11, 2015, from
In this Webinar, hosted by the National Center on Intensive Intervention, the presenters share information on selecting and properly implementing evidence-based practices and programs in the classroom. Included also is an overview of the Behavior Interventions Tools Chart, a resource created by NCII to help educators in both of those processes.
Center on Multi-Tiered System of Supports
The Center on Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS Center) American Institutes of Research (AIR) provides support for states, districts, and schools implementing Multi-Tiered Systems of Support. The center’s website includes links to resources for the implementation of MTSS and resources on topics such as special education, school climate, and more.
Florida Center for Reading Research
The Florida Center for Reading Research is focused on conducting reading research, disseminating research-based practices, and providing technical assistance to Florida’s schools and its State Department of Education. The website features sections for teachers, coaches, administrators, parents, researchers, and FCRR faculty and staff, among much else.
The Meadows Center for Preventing Educational Risk
The Meadows Center for Preventing Educational Risk (MCPER) is dedicated to generating, disseminating, and supporting the implementation of empirically validated practices to influence educators, researchers, policymakers, families, and other stakeholders who strive to improve academic, behavioral, and social outcomes for all learners.
National Center on Intensive Intervention
The National Center on Intensive Intervention (NCII) seeks to build state and district capacity to support educators in using data-based individualization to effectively implement intensive interventions in reading, mathematics, and behavior in Grades K–12.
National Center on Student Progress Monitoring
Dedicated to the implementation of scientifically based student progress monitoring, the National Center on Student Progress Monitoring offers technical assistance to states and districts and disseminates information about progress monitoring practices proven to work in a wide variety of academic content areas.
RTI Action Network
The RTI Action Network works to guide educators and families in the large-scale implementation of RTI. It focuses especially on efforts to ensure that struggling students are identified early and receive the necessary supports to be successful.
Additional IRIS Resources
Progress Monitoring: Mathematics
This resource introduces users to progress monitoring in mathematics, a type of formative assessment in which student learning is evaluated to provide useful feedback about performance to both learners and teachers.
Progress Monitoring: Reading
This resource introduces users to progress monitoring in reading, a type of formative assessment in which student learning is evaluated to provide useful feedback about performance to both learners and teachers.
RTI (Part 2): Assessment
This module explores in detail the assessment procedures integral to RTI. It also outlines how to use progress monitoring data to determine if a student is meeting the established performance criteria or if more intensive intervention is needed. This module was developed in collaboration with the Tennessee State Improvement Grant and the Tennessee Department of Education.
Case Studies
RTI: Data-Based Decision Making
This Case Study provides information about how to examine a student’s progress monitoring data to determine if the student is responding adequately or if the student would benefit from more intense intervention. It can serve as a companion to the modules ‘RTI (Part 2): Assessment’ and ‘RTI (Part 4): Putting It All Together.’
RTI: Progress Monitoring
This Case Study set is intended to be a supplement to the IRIS Center’s RTI Module series, providing additional opportunities to practice the application of basic progress monitoring concepts within the response to intervention (RTI) approach, including the administration and scoring of probes as well as the graphing of student progress.
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